Books for students: 5 recommendations

It is no secret that reading is one of the best habits that human beings can have nowadays, normally, during the school stage it helps us to enhance both personal and professional growth. That is why today we bring you 5 books for students that we recommend you to read.

When we read, we can enter a gigantic world of knowledge and new possibilities, many people take it as a hobby, while many others adopt it as a way of life. Reading is one of the easiest ways to enrich your life, and best of all, with the advancement of technology it is now much easier to find the books for students that you want for free or at a lower price.

The reading habit

When we talk about «A good reading habit» you should know that it is directly linked to the fact that reading constantly. By doing so we gain new skills and abilities.

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If we have constancy and mastery, you will be able to see how reading becomes a good habit, maybe at the beginning you do it in a compulsory way, but after a few days you will do it of your own free will.

Don’t have this habit? Well, there is no magic formula or remedy to get it quickly.

In order to gain this habit, you must surround yourself with people who love reading and motivate you to enjoy it, to project yourself into it. Nobody is born, much less is there a gene that helps us to develop reading spontaneously, but our environment can help us a lot.

«1984» – George Orwell

We begin with one of the most recommended books for students; George Orwell’s novel 1984 bases its plot in Oceania.

A country with a socialist government, seeks to maintain constant surveillance of all citizens, even have the desire to know what they think.

So far, this work has stood out from the twentieth century. By reading this novel, you can understand the futuristic world and how it was divided into 3 superpowers of war, which are located in:

East Asia.

Orwell shows how citizens who were not happy with what the government offered them, were mercilessly disappeared.

«How to make good things happen to you – Marian Rojas Estapé

This book is for students who want to achieve great things. There you will be able to find a variety of elements that will help you to face life with a great attitude.

This book was designed by a psychiatrist, who wants to give a solution to the majority of patients who visit her with discouragement and little will to live.

By reading this book, you may discover great reasons to be happy and you will be able to see a good purpose in your life.

Here you will learn how your inner self and other people’s inner selves work and how you can achieve a healthy balance, no matter what stumbling blocks you have along the way.

«One Hundred Years of Solitude» – Gabriel García Márquez

100 years of solitude is one of the most emblematic novels in all of Latin America. In one way or another, Gabriel García Márquez wrote it creating a kind of magical realism, showing everything that is real and magical.

Although each chapter has no name, you will be able to interpret it in 4 phases, such as the first years of Macondo, the civil war and Colonel Aureliano Buendía, the banana fever, and we finish with the end of Macondo.

Until now, this representative work is analysed by the majority of high school students, as it has been a Latin American Boom.

In the book you will find unusual events that were never suspected, but that the characters were not surprised that they happened.

 «The Magic of Tidying Up – Marie Kondo

This novel for teenagers pdf, is organized in 5 chapters where Marie decides to explain what her experiences have been and why she does what she does and how.

Also, in each chapter you will be able to find ideas that helped her to tidy up her age, giving key points throughout the novel.

One of these, and perhaps the most important, says that when you are going to organise your house. Do it all at once and do it well, because if you do it a little at a time, you will never finish.

In addition to that, he mentions that not storing what you don’t use, cleaning leads to eliminating.

«The book your brain doesn’t want to read» – David del Rosario

We end with a student’s book or guide on the perception of life. Most of us humans have very limited and wrong thoughts, which do not help us to change.

With «The book your brain doesn’t want to read», you will be able to positively change the way you look at life and find the way to happiness.


These 5 books for students and many more can help you in a positive way to get into the habit of reading and change your life for the better.


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