Boost your productivity: 5 essential guidelines

At any stage of our life, a productivity boost is one of the most important indicators to measure the growth and evolution of a person; for example, when you are a child and you are in school, you are productive if you show extraordinary skills to fulfil your school obligations, but there is no guideline that forces you to strive beyond your own capabilities. Contrary to that stage as a child, in any of the other stages of your life, you need to make it clear that you need to increase your productivity. And to help you with that, here are 5 essential guidelines to boost your productivity.

Educate yourself and explore your limits

When you ask for advice on how to increase your productivity, people with experience give you this advice: train yourself and explore your limits. This is due to the intrinsic relationship that exists between productivity and knowledge of the trade or profession in which you are working.

These two factors should always be linked, because the more education you have, the better the chance of being productive.  In this way, a job well done is guaranteed. In addition, you have the possibility of making an additional contribution to the assignments entrusted to us by our superiors in each area.

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It is also important that you identify which competencies remain unexplored in your productivity. Because as a university student, you are exploring your limits.

You may discover that you are capable of taking on new responsibilities and fulfilling them in a timely manner, without affecting the ones you have acquired before.

You may also discover that you have an aptitude for other trades or activities that have little to do with the university studies you are pursuing.

Take advantage of technological tools

Thanks to technological progress, you can find many opportunities for education and training in any area of your interest. There are even university distance learning courses that give you the opportunity to study, in parallel to your on-site training, in any speciality.

Keep in mind that to make the most of these tools, you need to be equipped with a smartphone. In this way, you will be able to access all the online training in which you are interested.

It is also useful to have a tablet or laptop for personal use and a stable network connection that you can take with you. In case you have any problems with the training schedule and any other activities you have to do.

Keep a consistent routine and schedule

A reality we all know is the need to be disciplined in order to achieve the goals we set for ourselves. Discipline goes hand in hand with routine and consistency.

For this reason, to be productive, keep a consistent routine and schedule for all the activities that make up your study or work day.

This means waking up and going to bed at the same time every day, not skipping meals, complying with personal hygiene and grooming activities, and respecting the hours of rest between each activity.

Don’t isolate yourself and maintain good communication.

It is a mistake to think that to be productive you need to eliminate all distractions. However, the reality is that you need to maintain contact with the outside world and other people. This guarantees oxygenation of our brain and a performance adapted to our rhythm of life.

Loneliness can be your friend from time to time, but don’t isolate yourself. Maintain good communication with those around you if you want to boost your productivity.

By doing so, you ensure that you are aware that there are other elements necessary to feel healthy and in harmony with your environment.

Avoid being too much of a perfectionist

Achieving perfection is a dream we all have; however, it can also be considered a stress factor, because the anxiety of not making mistakes destroys any peace of mind you may have.

Being a perfectionist is one of the biggest obstacles to increasing productivity, because it generally causes delays in the delivery of our assignments, as a consequence of the dissatisfaction we have with what we are doing.

To avoid this, try to establish precisely the acceptable, regular and excellent parameters that may exist for each task you are assigned.

In this way, it is easier to consider the level at which we are at with each outcome.

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