Motivation to study: 5 tips

Motivation can be said to be the engine that makes activities to be carried out in a satisfactory way. It can be intrinsic, which is when we do something for the pleasure it gives us, or extrinsic, which is when what motivates us is due to an external reward. But, above all, the motivation to study is affected by the state of mind. And this depends in most of the times on situations that we go through in our day to day and that affect notoriously in the accomplishment of activities and in the study habits.

For this reason, we are going to give you 5 tips to motivate you to study and make the session more attractive and bearable. Following each of these tips will improve your academic performance.

Set goals progressively: from less to more

Everyone should set goals, especially when you are going to study and the study material is voluminous. As this helps to keep your motivation to study high.

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For this, it is best to start from less to more, you cannot expect to understand a complete content if you don’t even know the theoretical basis or the minimum to start with. Therefore, the achievement of goals must be planned and carried out progressively.

As you study and make progress, you will go over the previous contents, remember that one subject leads to another.

Plan your study time

Something that is essential and helps to motivate you to study is to plan your study sessions. Choosing the subject to study and setting a time limit is an excellent way to do this.

To do this, you can make a list of the tasks to be done during the study time according to their priority. And in this way not let the activities or tasks pile up. It is better to progress through the content little by little and not leave everything to the last minute.

When you start studying is when you have the most energy, as it will be consumed little by little as the hours go by. It is effective to study the most difficult subjects at the beginning of the study time, otherwise you will not have the strength and courage at the end to understand what is more complex.

Remember to take breaks

Taking a certain amount of time to rest is essential to prevent fatigue from taking over the body. Because if you put pressure on the brain, it will get tired and there will come a time when it will not be able to assimilate even the simplest things.

Do not force your body and mind while you are studying, this is counterproductive and ends up demotivating you. The ideal is to take breaks of 10 to 15 minutes when you notice signs of tiredness, clearing your mind and recovering energy to sit down to study again.

Your mental and physical health comes first

First and foremost, remember that health comes first. Experiencing a minimum level of stress is not harmful, but rather helps to keep us alert and active in what we are doing.

However, we cannot let stress overwhelm us, as it can saturate us and generate anxiety that impedes concentration and in turn the understanding of the subjects to be studied.

In addition, it is important to take into account the space where we are going to study. As it should be comfortable, pleasant and with adequate light, so that we do not experience physical discomfort that prevents us from studying. Nobody wants to study in spaces that are not comfortable, therefore, an ideal space should be devised, as this generates motivation to study.

Avoid distractions

When you are about to start a study session, you should eliminate all distracting agents, such as mobile phones, social networks, television and more. Because they divert our attention and make the mind wander, making it difficult to concentrate on studying.

Distractions make students waste a lot of time, make them less effective and in turn lead to the development of a feeling of demotivation and academic incompetence.


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