On-site vs blended learning: Which one to choose?

Nowadays, and more so with the latest appearance of Covid-19, many things have changed, and one of them is the type of study, since in addition to on-site or blended learning, much more importance and value has been given to virtual study. Each of them has important advantages for people and their time distribution.

Stopping studying is never a good option, so it is important to know what the different types of study are about and thus choose the most convenient one. For this reason, we are going to inform you about on-site and blended learning, so that you can choose one of them.

What does on-site study consist of?

Face-to-face education is the basic structure of education in the world, it is based on the presence of a teacher and students in a classroom to guide and provide students with knowledge regarding important topics for their development in the world of work and society.

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In on-site studies, students have the opportunity to interact physically with the teacher and classmates, allowing them to clarify doubts and ask questions instantly, thus developing their social behaviour. In addition, it fosters or stimulates self-esteem in an intellectual and affective way.

Clearly, this type of study requires much more time, as you have to go practically every day to the education centre to receive classes, which can be difficult for many people, especially if they work.

Requirements for the on-site mode

For the face-to-face mode, the indispensable requirement is time, as the classes are given directly by the teacher in the classroom. For this reason, students must always be available at certain times of the week, as the acquisition of knowledge depends on this in order to be able to pass the evaluations.

What does blended learning consist of?

Blended learning is a flexible mode of study, in which either the teaching hours are shorter than those of face-to-face studies, or face-to-face and online studies are combined. In this way, learning and research are carried out at home or through virtual sessions. Or with content such as activities, access to forums, recorded classes, material, lessons, etc.

However, there are also classes that are compulsorily held at the educational centre in person, which are used to resolve doubts with the teachers, or even to present the evaluations. This type of system can be applied at any educational level, including postgraduate degrees or continuing education.

Requirements for blended learning

There are different forms of blended learning, as it is divided into 3 modalities:

  • On-site or situated: in this one, face-to-face classes are received and activities are delivered digitally.
  • Synchronous: in this mode, students watch the distance classes, but collectively and not individually whenever they wish. As a timetable is established between the teacher and students that is convenient for everyone.
  • Mixed: in this, students receive synchronous and face-to-face classes with teachers to enrich learning.


For any type of study, whether face-to-face or blended, the fundamental recommendation is to give priority to study. Since one modality or another requires time to acquire knowledge. Just because the study is blended learning does not mean that it is easier, because it is not necessary to go to the educational centre. On the contrary, it requires research time to understand topics that may be complex.

Face-to-face study will always be better than distance or online study. Because face-to-face people interact and share ideas, which can make it easier to gain knowledge. In addition, learners are in an environment that helps them to be more self-confident.

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