Online exams: 5 tips

Online exams are one of the most important pedagogical processes for the development of students’ education. As they demonstrate the knowledge acquired with respect to a topic or subject, showing the development of learning. Nowadays, the form of exams has been adapted to new formats and platforms. So that the virtual world has become an important tool for teachers to give exams to students. Online exams are clearly not the same as a face-to-face exam, but they have similar characteristics.

Online exams are becoming more and more common in training for professional courses, selection tests, competitive examinations, etc. Therefore, students should prepare very well and take into consideration some tips that will help them to pass the exams with an excellent grade.

Read the instructions and recommendations carefully

You should pay close attention to each of the questions or instructions in the exam. As nervousness can lead to reading errors and not answering exactly what is being asked. Likewise, the instructions and previous recommendations should also be read very well. As sometimes there is important information in them that is not even visible because of going straight to answering the exam questions.  The important thing for students is to stay calm and avoid falling into despair.

Practice at home beforehand

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In most of the virtual courses there are small simulations before the final exam, and it is important to solve them in order to be more prepared and confident with respect to the content.

The recommendation is to practice beforehand at home, taking possible online exams with what you consider to be the possible questions. In this way you will feel more confident and you will recognise in which subjects you have more difficulty.

Keep an eye on the answer time limits

To make the best use of your time when taking an online exam, the best strategy is to start with the topics you know the most about. This will optimise your time and give you more time to think about the questions you have doubts about.

Online exams are always taken against the clock, and it is important to keep track of the time, so that you can keep track and estimate the exact time it takes to answer each question.

Ensure a good internet connection

One of the biggest drawbacks of online exams is the internet connection. Because if by bad luck the internet goes down while you are being assessed, it can cause problems and even lead to the suspension of the exam. For this reason, make sure you use a reliable internet network that provides a quality signal and avoids taking risks.

In addition, before the day of the online exam, it is recommended to check that the computer is working properly and that it does not require repairs or system updates. And if the use of the camera is necessary, check that the image and sound are working properly.

When using laptops make sure that the charger is handy and the battery is charged, and obviously check the internet connection. Minimising any inconvenience avoids wasting time and concentration.Online exams are becoming more and more common as part of vocational training courses, selection tests and university entrance exams.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions

In virtual exams, students can ask questions via internal messaging or email with teachers. Do not be afraid to ask questions, as sometimes there are things that are not understood in the right way and it is best to dispel the doubt and make sure you answer the exam correctly.  Every good teacher or educator should be available to answer students’ questions, as long as they are clear and punctual.

It is also recommended to maintain communication with other colleagues who are taking the same exam, as talking to other people and raising doubts clarifies ideas and helps to organise the information.

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