Sustainable practices: 5 ideas and tips

We often think that the whole issue of sustainability and «saving the planet» is perhaps not for us and we should not be part of it. But it should be stressed that these are issues of great importance, but beyond our individual control. However, the truth is that there are many small sustainable practices that we can carry out in our day-to-day lives and that will help us to promote an environmentally friendly lifestyle.

Avoid wasting energy

Energy is the main contributor to climate change, accounting for around 60% of all global greenhouse gas emissions. Large corporations in industry will have to undertake a process of reflection to bring their processes into compliance with sustainability principles. But you too can incorporate some sustainable practices into your routines that will help save energy.

Simple actions such as turning off the lights when you leave the room, keeping the air conditioning at a reasonable temperature at home, washing cold, using low-energy light bulbs, encouraging the use of renewable energies, etc. all help greatly to save energy. …..

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You too can do your bit to help achieve the targets set out in the UN Sustainable Development Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy.

Recycle, sell or exchange your clothes

The habit of buying clothes month by month has been very common in all of us until now, but we should know that this industry is one of the most polluting on the planet. Every day there are more and more sustainable practices in this sector, such as platforms for selling or exchanging clothes or collecting garments to give them a second chance.

Take advantage of these resources and don’t throw away the clothes you no longer wear, as there will always be someone else who can use them more and you will contribute to this recycling cycle.

Sustainable consumption

Global production and consumption depends on environmental resources and is often used in ways that are destructive to the planet. To help alleviate this situation, you can follow a simple maxim: buy only what you need.

Brands are becoming increasingly aware of the need to take care of their production processes and packaging (using less plastic, for example). But we consumers also need to step up and change some of our usual shopping patterns. To give you an idea: every year, one third of the food produced ends up rotting in rubbish bins.

Recycle and manage your waste

If you have any doubts about your waste behaviour, you can check whether you are following the «3Rs rule»: reduce, reuse and recycle.

  • Reduce the amount of waste you produce.
  • Reuse as much as you can: glass containers, plastic bags…
  • Recycle what cannot be reused.

By separating your rubbish by type of waste, using reusable bags, using plastic bags as often as you can… You will be helping to promote a sustainable lifestyle.


Transport generates a lot of emissions that, in some cases, we can perhaps save.

If you want to live a sustainable lifestyle, perhaps you could use public transport more often. In this way, you save your car for journeys where other forms of transport are not possible. Walking or cycling are also sustainable alternatives. As well as helping the environment, you will be saving fuel and perhaps improving your quality of life by avoiding long and tedious traffic jams.

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